
CC440 Single Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher

The Mccain cone crusher has single cylinder hydraulic structure, and has always maintained the leading position in the industry area. Cone crusher is designed according to the heavy working conditions, and the main shaft supported by two points with



The Mccain cone crusher has single cylinder hydraulic structure, and has always maintained the leading position in the industry area. Cone crusher is designed according to the heavy working conditions, and the main shaft supported by two points with  well load-carring capacity. The  design of constant crushing chamber keeps the feeding and production capacity constant duing the waering cycle of liner, and reduces the operation cost significantly. Up to a dozen kinds of cavity deformation changes, the eccentric bushing can be set up as many as four kinds of eccentricity, make the equipment flexibility and adaptability greatly enhanced. Equipped with intelligent system for ore drain, make the performance of the crusher can be maximized.
Compared with CC type, the CC-S type crushing chamber is more steeper, the inlet is more larger so as to make the throughput capacity more larger. It is suitable for the second stage crushing when the feed diameter is large.It has the advantage of botom shell can be  interchanged with the same type of CC crusher. 

CC440 Single Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher(圖1)
CC440 Single Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher(圖2)

枣庄市| 察雅县| 巩留县| 额尔古纳市| 久治县| 葵青区| 且末县| 广西| 定州市| 临潭县| 辽宁省| 洛阳市| 利川市| 肃南| 会宁县| 图们市| 江达县| 无棣县| 绥滨县| 环江| 建瓯市| 岳普湖县| 沈丘县| 邯郸县| 滕州市| 遵义县| 蒙城县| 马关县| 渭源县| 腾冲县| 浮山县| 湖州市| 湖南省| 忻城县| 阳谷县| 永春县| 安远县| 岫岩| 新民市| 上饶市| 彭泽县|